The Pie family gathered for a photo, standing side by side with the youngest in the family to the left and the eldest to the right. All were dressed in their nice sunday clothes. Pinkie Pie did her best to contain her usual bouncing off the walls energy, but still she wondered if she could ever get her beloved family to loosen up like her...
So like with the twilight family sequence, I won't be continuing this one for a bit. I had done all the 0.0 models, so I figured I may as well throw them up.
I experimented a bit with the lighting in these recent sequences, and I think I settled on what's my favorite that I'll try to keep using for my stuff moving forward.
And in case you don't know, the models that I make for the Pie Bimbo's will be used in a story I plan to do I'm referring to as 'the Pie Family Horror Story' that I've been discussing a lot on 4chan that I'm excited to do.