Let's talk about Cadance's backstory, why don't we?
Princess Amoré and Prince Esmé - They were... Quite a couple, to say the least, especially back in their day. Mostly due to the fact that Amoré was a stern and calm leader while Esmé was a more relaxed and playful individual. These two were together by the time Celestia and Luna were just foals, eventually having one of their own after Amoré realized she loved interacting with children once Celestia and Luna were old enough to rule, so Prince Eros was born. But then Esmé fell deathly ill, eventually dying. Though Eros stepped away from the throne temporarily after his father's death, Amoré kept going- proving to be a strong leader even through her own grief for the sake of her kingdom. Then Sombra happened.
Prince Eros and Gold Lily - Eros and Gold Lily weren't exactly the most accepted pair, especially as Eros was the Heir to the Crystal Empire while Gold Lily was a mere immigrant from Canterlot, especially that long ago the stigma was real. But that proved to be nothing to them as they got together during Eros' break from the throne after his father's death, and soon had a child named Princess Cadance. Then when Sombra attacked and Princess Amore was shattered into rocks, Eros freed his girlfriend and sent her off into the snow with Cadance while he tried to take down Sombra himself to avenge his mother. However, it wasn't long before grief and exhaustion took the young mother, but there was a light in the distance- the sillohette of two Alicorns. She left the baby in their path so that they would find her, and began to trek back to the Crystal Empire after deciding her job was done- but died on the way there.
Prince Heracles and Sterling - Cadance was raised by the royal sisters for a period of time, that is, until Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, where Celestia used a spell on Cadance so that she'd sleep through the thousand years that Luna was banished. Though, after Twilight became Celestia's student, she was awoken early to take care of Twilight. There was one problem though: she needed parents, and Celestia was too busy to take care of her on her own, this is where she gave them to her distant Nephew- Prince Heracles. Now- Heracles and Sterling already had one foal under the name Prince Blueblood, but they were happy to take Cadance on as their adoptive daughter. To this day, only Heracles is still alive, while Sterling has since passed after the Storm King arrived due to a bit of rubble falling on her as she tried to defend herself from Storm Creatures.
Now that's a lot of text. Also I did alter Cadance's backstory a little from the spell being "wake up when next element of magic user is born" to "wake up when 1000 years is over" and just having Celestia break the spell early.
Is there a word for like, the opposite of a next gen? Cause this is the generation before, not after the main cast. Pre-Gen? That sounds about right.
Bases by :iconrickysocks: :iconmoonlight-grey-bases: and :icondrunkencoffee:
For the record, I frankendolled a baby from one of Moonlight Grey's bases into Drunken Coffee's bases after checking if it was okay, just in case you get confused.