This is a sequel more or less to the older dragon bonding, study interruptions comic I made a WHILE ago that was a cross between Spyro and MLP. The gist is that Spyro visits, digests sum pone, and makes a nice collection~ Well it would seem Spike (who for the purpose of this comic is older and feral) may want to make a collection of his own, and some particular fillies are more then happy to kick off that collection~
This comic is a commission and funded by an anonymous user on Eka's. You can thank him and others like him who've contributed ideas and funding to such a noble cause :D
This will be a six page comic, and will be released in two page sections as they're finished. This comic will feature willing prey, graphic/fatal digestion and disposal involving scat. This will also involve sexual situations involving fillies.
Also... holy shit my style has DRASTICALLY improved since the last time I worked on the comic...