"They don't save anyone, Thats why its up to me to save my home"
Nickname(s): Flurrystorm (Shining only..), General Flurry
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Cis-Mare
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Natural Born Alicorn
Talent: Protecting and Leading
Occupation: Heir to the Empire, Commander of the Crystal Army
Family: Empress Mi Amore Cadenza (Mother), Emperor Shining Armor (Father, Deceased), Valkryie (Sister), Neve Blizzard (Brother), Golden Spark (Sibling)
Personality Traits: Flurry Heart is a complex mare, she deeply struggles with the death of her father to a point where its getting concerning for her family. She's hard working and ambitious taking on as many roles as she can to let her siblings feel peace and harmony that she feels like she never received. She is very distrusting of her aunts side of the family and has a lot of bitter opinions about the world.. behind this dark facade she's just scared, sad and overly willing to help out any way she can.
Bases: ElementBases