yellow babie
May Flowers Shy
(she/they, nonbinary, Lesbian)
-younger twin daughter of Twilight, rainbow dash, and flutershy. she was born through magic so she is equal parts all of them genetically.
-has been the only unicorn of the family since she was a very small child, since both twilight and stormdrop have both become alicorns, she only has a little bit of a complex about being grounded
-she takes a lot after fluttershy's nana, posey pots in both looks and talents. posey pots passed long before may flowers' birth, but fluttershy talks of her often
-special talent is botany, and she LOVES flowers. shes more of a scientist than an artist though, studying plant genetics like a pony gregor mendel
-shes a real shut in, taking after twilight in her studiousness, and fluttershy in her shyness. shes a bit distant from rainbow dash, and doesnt know how to bridge the gap in their interests.