"I swear, too many ponies are talking about the upcoming coronation and not enough about whether or not those children are ready to lead."
"Ha! You and I both know they're not prepared. If you had asked me all those years ago if we would have hybrid rulers in Equestria and the Crystal Empire, I would have said you were absurd for even thinking such a thing. It really looks like the nation is going downhill by the day."
"Without a doubt, darling. I suppose Celestia's heir isn't the worst of the lot. But a Changeling princess up north and a Changeling prince in Canterlot? That's not even mentioning Luna's eldest. They're rather odd."
"Odd doesn't begin to cover it, Upper Crust. That hybrid is downright unsettling. I can't believe there are ponies who buy that 'help others pass' garbage!"
"Goodness, I know! It really does seem that Luna is covering for Erebus. With a Changeling father, it's no question that their talent is much darker than any of the royal family is letting on. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that hybrid was actually taking life rather than just assisting in their death."
"It wouldn't be the first time our rulers have hidden things from us."
"Truly! A pair of goats have more sense than Celestia and Luna, I swear!"
"I couldn't have said it better myself!"
Erebus doesn't leave the castle often, but when they do, they're disguised. And as it turns out, they're the topic of discussion.