An updated picture of my mlp book collection. Two years ago my collection looked like this:
How easy it is to find mlp fanfictions books
As you can probably see I love collecting mlp fanfictions. It is so much nicer to read an actual book there than on a tablet. I can really encourage you to buy some online or at conventions, especially since there are often cheaper than you think. Some of them are published independently (usually one-time print runs) and some of them are published on Lulu (an online book publisher) or on Ministry of image (an mlp fanfiction publisher). The only problem is that some time it is difficult to find the perfect book. To solve this I made an extensive lists on Fimfiction that includes links to around 100 different mlp books of stories and story collections. :D
The Lists:
Print on Demand (Rated T and under)
Print on Demand (Rated M)