Tales of Canterlot: Page 1 - FOBO (Fantasy of Bimboing Out)
"Oh look, it's time for Rarity's weekly freak out."
Next Page:"Coming Soon"
''Avoid schools when they let out for the day. A simple rule and one that has served one Cab Callaway well over the past couple years. In addition to avoiding traffic jams, it also meant that she had to deal with fewer teens. In her experience, younger fares were more likely to ditch without paying, argue about the rate, and generally make a mess of the backseat in one way or another.
The third one has become something of a major issue lately; her last late night pickup had left her cab stinking of teenage arousal for the better part of a week. Ever since that incident, Cab has been declining fares she deems too risky, either for her vehicle or her ego.
Living in Canterlot City as a young, single woman is hard after all, and getting more difficult by the day. Once upon a time, Cab could get away with just chopping her purple-pink hair short and playing herself up as one of the boys at the bar, landing dates and even the occasional one-night stand, when she wasn’t driving around the city of course. With the right attitude, even a somewhat chubby girl like her could find a Mister Right Now to fool around with and flirt for weeks on end.
That was all before Rich’s Barnyard Bargains started dumping industrial run-off into the water table, or whatever conspiracy theory was circling nowadays. Point being, it is very hard to compete against a towering woman with legs that could choke a man, or a petite, barely-legal tramp with breasts wider than her shoulders looking for her latest daddy stand-in.
There were others of course, some oozing femininity and some that would encroach on her territory too. It turns out that the rough and tumble girl act tends to fall short in front of an actual rough and tumble sex bomb. And it’s hard to compete with a young thing that can seemingly make a prospective date blow their load on command.
Maybe that’s why Cab was breaking her rule about avoiding schools, because the closer one got to a campus, the shorter skirts got, the more bustlines swelled, and the more predatory the looks became across the board. Perhaps, if she watched enough, she might figure out something for herself; something she’s missing.''