How Mr. /mlp/ 2022 ended this year.
Also in this contest they did other sidecontest as test
>Best Friend
Spike may be Twilight's favorite assistant, but /mlp/ decides Chan is the man as the bane of rogue tulpas Jackie takes the title of Best Friend at 53.3%
>Best Villain
Reality is often scarier than fiction, and even the looming threat of King Haggard can't surmount this beloved (not really) showrunner. Josh Haber cements himself as Best Villain at 53.3%
>Best Chad
In the battle of Old School vs Even Older School, the roman woman-hater is made to kneel before the neolithic OG. The First One takes Best Chad over Fulvius Stellus with 56.7%
>Best Faggot
For Best Faggot, the winner is... (You)! Yes, congratulations, Anonymous: the board has decided (You) without hooves is slightly gayer than the version that has them at 58.1%. Well done!
>Best OC
In the bout for Best OC, Red shows Mr. Bones an entirely new meaning for 'endless rides', as the insatiable scarlet stallion clenches the win at 55.2%
>Best Dad
These competition between these two fathers was a intense as the rivalry between their daughters, but Bright Mac just barely comes out ahead as the most beloved father figure with 52.4%
>Best Colt
It's game over for Button Mash as even a hot mom can't swing the vote enough to overcome this tough little pegasus. Thunderlane's little bro Rumble wins Best Colt at 58.1%
>Best IRL Human
In a decidedly close match decided by only one vote, the lovable Weird Al Yankovic, voice and basis for professional party pony Cheese Sandwich, polka dances his way to victory at 50.5%
>Best Sibling
The protective big brother of the Apple Family proves that only half of the smooth-talking Flim-Flam duo can't measure up, and takes this year's Best Sibling award with a solid 66.7%
>Best Background Stallion
Doctor Whooves may have a huge fan following, but no one stands out in the background much like this laid back bug. Kevin the Changeling wins Best Background Stallion at 55.2%
>Best Twink
In this battle of the meek between bedbug and bookworm, Sunburst's fans boost him over Thorax for the Best Twink with 54.4% of the vote