Hey everyone!
I sketched a drunk Anthro Spitfire a while ago (or "Tipsyfire" as we like to call her XD) and didn't want to let the sketch go to waste, so I decided to turn it into a simple illustration - no giant background, "simpler" way of highlighting and just...simple.
Turns out it wasn't that simple after all because I had issues with the way she holds the bottle and it took me a long time to finish the shading. But hey, in the end we have a finished image and that's what matters, right? XD I like the way she looks here and the clothes being that loose kinda gives me "Milf" vibes a little, showing she is a boss lady rather than a beginner. Also...is she not wearing a bra underneath her uniform? Hmmmm...
The drawing is actually not too bad if you ask me and I'm excited to hear what you have to say^
Time: about 4 Hours