"Tonight on TheCrimsonSpark!"
(By the way if I haven't already established that Aiexos and Desert are a couple on Derpi, yeah they are a couple)
Original Description from DA:
Just in case the pages are hard to read (sorry in advance, I did my best) here's all the individual comic panels as well as all the progress:
Anyway, so what in the hell is this?
I never really indulge my characters in memes, but I think I probably should. Particularly Bri'ish memes like the Top Gear intro, which this is riffing on. Hopefully that was self evident.
Top Gear is lightning in a bottle by the way, and I will not have its holiest name besmerched by nobody.
Listen I know there's two mute jokes in one comic, and I'm sorry I don't mean to be so mean to Sillie lol. I did try to make one of em at least more of Alburke's problem. I do love the implications of the second page tho XD "Hmmm, this mare hasn't spoken to me in the entire time I've known her. I must take her to the smart one, she can fix this!"
The last page is me sort of testing what Desert's style of humour could be like. I think he suits a more dry type of comedy, pardon the pun.
Or don't pardon it, see if I care.