Zipp Storm: Okay, so it still needs little work, but pretty great, right?! We’ve been working on it for weeks!
(Deputy Mare)
Like TWO weeks, right? Because if it’s actually more than that, then you should probably go back to engineering school, princess! I rode in hot air balloons with patched holes that are much more safer than this!! Heck, I rather rely on Canterlogic’s escape balloon backpack over this heap of junk! Is THIS really the best you could do with that smart brain of yours, Princess??
(Inspector Mare)
HEY, it’s not easy acquiring materials from the Canterlogic arsenal factories, ever since Miss Cloverleaf raised the selling price of her drones! Most of the mechanical parts I could only use were scavenged from their scrap heap sites, while the rest were from Izzy’s “Got-Junk?” piles!