I think you could tell that I changed her, right? well, i didn't like the old version so much, i was uncomfortable with its accessories, so i changed it a little
Name: Stella Moon Sentry
Nicknames: Stella (friends), Moon, Mony(sister), Ste, Llaly, Moonlight, intergalactic(parents)
Birthday: 09 of February
Age: 14/15
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Personality: confident, mega, honest, generous, humble, studious, stressed, freaks out easily
Mother: Starling Glimmer(adoptive mother), Twilight Sparkle
Father: Sunbust(adoptive father), Flash Sentry
Siblings: Stella Night, Selena Vivacity, Solaria Glow, Harmonious Armor Senriga, Nightlita Starair
Brothers: Stardust, Soul Mystique
Aunt: Cadence
Uncle: Shining Armor
Cousins: Flurry Heart, Harmony Song,Crystal Sheild, Amethyst Shining Spark
Grandmothers: Twilight Velvet
Grandfathers: Night Light
Friends: (didn't choose the names)
Relationship Status: dating
Relationship: butterfly fate
Occupation: advanced magic student
Currently Living in: Canterpoles
Place of birth: Twilight's castle
Like:study, spend time with friends, talk
Dislikes: lie, falsehood
Cutie Mark: a magic crystal and a star in its midst