Name: Dimensional Aura Sentry
Nicknames: Aura, Aury, Dimes, Ona, Mens(sis), galaxy(mom)
Birthday: 15 of January
Age: 15
Specie: unicorn
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual, demisexual
Personality: stressed, desperate, confident, studious, caring, loyal, friendly
Mother: Twilight Sparkle
Father: Flash Sentry
Siblings: (not one defined so far)
Brothers: Charming Spark
Aunts: Cadence
Uncle: Shining Armor
Cousins: Flurry Heart, Tormented Crystal
Grandmothers: Twilight Velvet
Grandfathers: Noght Light
Friends: Summer Blueberry, Dimensional Aura, Fae AppleHeart, Apple Orchard, Pop Rocks, Gleaming Speed
Relationship Status: in love
Relationship: Soul Style
Occupation: twi apprentice
Currently Living in:Twi's castle
Place of birth: Canterpoles
Like: books, silence, calm, friends, clean, spend time
Dislikes: noise, mess, fallacy
Cutie Mark: a long star with a moon below
element: harmony
Magic: 99/100
Strength: 87/100
Intelligence: 100/100