all these designs are from Amouruex
i love their designs so much omg you would not believe
but here they are in their EQG forms cause im ngl ive been struggling to draw actual ponies rn
i mean im still very happy doing base edits so youll still see those
but from left to right we haaaaaave
Amity: toyhou.se/12267047.amity
Celestial Dusk: toyhou.se/11413875.celestial-d…
Glowing Starlight: toyhou.se/14563920.glowing-sta…
Half Pipe: toyhou.se/11820342.half-pipe
Lavender Love: toyhou.se/11406315.lavender-lo…
Skittles: toyhou.se/11416815.skittles
Soap Bubbles toyhou.se/18835396.soap-bubble…