"Tavi, I'm... home?!"
"Ah, welcome back Vinyl. Yes, this is certainly a bit of a new development... did you find anything that could help?"
"Not really, did get a lead on another musician couple who had more experience with this than us, but I guess they were too busy practicing their own bagpipes to hear me when I went over. Though, I think we might have a solution here..."
"Oh? What would that- mmph!"
I mean, you're fulla notes, might as well try squeezing them out, right?"
Vinyl finally has returned from her trip, slightly empty-hooved but at least with a bit of extra knowledge to look into later. For now though, with her roommate half-plaid on her entry, the situation has certainly taken a bit of an interesting turn - one that Vinyl herself seems to be taking advantage of, if a bit to Octavia's bewilderment as that flop sent a surge of air the rest of the way up to fwhoomp her out fully! Though at the same time, the series of cushy notes now spilling from all her pipes has to be a good sign, surely~