Introducing the Rarijack family, this and twiset really vie for being my OTP
Not 100% on how I did the rainbow stripes on AJ, it's hard to find a good balance on those braids.
All the Mane 6 will have some rainbow striping, as an event in my nextgen imbued them with some lasting changes from their rainbow power, it's purely cosmetic though and doesn't affect how their kids come out.
Characters in order are: Applejack, Apple Jewel (Gem), Pink Lady (Lady), and Rarity
Apple Jewel is the older sister, being born to Rarity and taking after her by being a unicorn. However as she got older she took more to farm work and sticking around to help AJ, she still likes to dress up and get fancy every now and then, and she always does her hair and makeup in the morning even if she plans to be racking through mud, she just does it "less fancy". She was named for the nickname AJ gave herself during their episode with Trender Hoof, the two found it amusing and a perfect mix of their names.
Pink Lady is the younger sister, born to AJ and being an Earth Pony (I headcanon that it's more likely for foals to get the 'race' from their mother), she has similar colouring to AJ, as well as the heavy hair type, but she always loved shadowing Rarity around fancy events and seeing her put together new gowns and learning how to use makeup to enhance a ponies natural beauty. Shes still a bit of a teenager but she almost always goes where Rarity goes, learning the ins and outs of high society, how to run a business, and everything fashionable. When shes needed though she still has no problem returning to the farm and getting dirty helping out her family.
Both siblings have their momma AJs view on family being important and helping each other when ever needed, just call and they'll be there in a storm of hard working hooves, and are the first to suggest a spa trip, or at home makeover, to reward all that hard effort.
So the deal with Rarity and AJ is that they are both very work focused, so AJ still lives and works at the farm the majority of the time, while Rarity is either at Carousel Boutique or one of her other locations across Equestria, they both respect each other and their life choices so they are fairly fine with this arrangement. When they are both in Ponyville at the same time they go between being together at the farm or in town, depending on whose work load is heavier. It can be rough, but they make it work and always make time to be together as a family.
This scene depicts Rarity and Lady returning to Ponyville from one of the distant boutiques, meeting up with the other half of their family unit for some shopping before they head home and cook a huge meal together.