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TWILIGHT: Hey, what's wrong, Sunny? You look a bit down.
SUNSET: I'm not so sure about this outfit, Twi. It feels weird to wear something this revealing.
TWILIGHT: You look great in that outfit! I'm sure you'll get used to it eventually.
TWILIGHT: Sunny, I really mean it! If it makes you feel better, I was in a similar position to you with my first time in this outfit. It's completely normal to feel a bit nervous wearing it. Give it some time and I'm sure it'll grow on you.
SUNSET: ...Thanks, Twi. And your outfit definitely fits your personality.
Rendered with 5 4K renders @ 256 DoF samples
31 lights used in this scene
Models used:
Models used:
- Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle (NSFW warning)
- Sci-Twi hair
- Playboy outfit (NSFW warning) *
- Boots, stockings and gloves (private models)
[*] - The Playboy outfit isn't made for the ReVAmped body, therefore to make it work with that body, more manual adjustments have to be made in positioning.
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