An AU of Unidentified in the form of an sci-fi alien-like arthropod. He has three different sets of eyes that does the following:
Top eye: Displays his current emotion via color, can blink and close, "eye lids" can be controlled to display emotions, but in a rather strange way.
Function: Used to display emotions, and keep a look out at the sky. Also used to control magic, depending on what kind of story/role-play/plot he's used in.
Middle eyes: doesn't have eye lids, meaning it can't close or blink. When sleeping, the iris fade away until they completely disappears. They obviously reappear when he wakes up. Generally, more sleepy/unconscious he is, the more faded his irises are.
Function: Used like normal eyes/general use.
Bottom eyes: Can blink, eye lids can be controlled to display emotions similar to a normal changeling/pony.
Function: Used to keep a look out at the ground for anything dangerous below.
17th Seeker is one of the last of his species after a group of hunters hunted tried hunting them down for sport. he currently resides alone in an unknown dimension trying to survive. He has durable shield-like legs that can block low caliber ammunition, sometimes medium caliber. The tip of his legs are also rather sharp. He has a stinger that can inject harmful poison, but the stinger is still rather small.