"Fav #04 - Fluttershy"
"D'aww, aren't you all just a bunch of big ol' kitty cats?"
When I was a little kid, I had two things I loved: wanton destruction from Sci-fi, and cats. Eventually I grew to love the alien bug races in military Sci-fi (specifically Zerg and Tyranids), but it took a long time for the other side of me to develop, with drawing silly comics and cutely adorable characters.
Anyway, they say when you first watch the show you typically attach yourself to a main or supporting character but eventually you shift your choices. True for me. Fluttershy was my favorite character for the first few months I was a brony (and my favorite a few months prior), and she was 2nd-3rd place for 5 years.
I love her for most the same reasons anyone else does, except I also love her for flutterbuse. In fact, the deciding factor in me choosing a fav between her and Rarity was from the first EQG movie when I watched it a few months prior to my brony-ification. When cleaning up the auditorium, Rarity took her broom with pinched fingers and disgust, which I loved, but then Fluttershy flinched and got hit by her broom. It was endearing and I must've re-watched that 6x.
Featured in this pic:
- upper left: Arachnid Warrior Bug (Starship Troopers)
- left: Zerg Hydralisk (StarCraft)
- upper right: Xenomorph (Alien)
- right: Tyranid Warrior (Warhammer 40k)
I'm sorry if I missed a franchise, and I had an idea for a few more but I'm really tired from working on this and keeping up this hiatus. I might do another Fluttershy bug alien pic with smaller critters from more.