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![Size: 863x926 | Tagged: safe, artist:fluttershy918, derpibooru import, alternate universe, element of caring, element of generosity, element of honesty, element of kindness, element of laughter, element of loyalty, element of magic, elements of harmony, gem, grammar error, image, jpeg, misspelling, no pony, seventh element, simple background, text, white background](https://cdn.twibooru.org/img/2022/8/20/2775826/medium.jpeg)
Here's Fluttershy918's AU Version of the Elements of Harmony. As you can see, there is one more added Element in there, The Element of Caring. Fluttershy918 thought that since she had a Mane 7 in her AU and not a Mane 6, she could add in a 7th Element. Caring is a Component of Friendship too right?
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