For pixelpallet6
A few days before Nightmare Night, Gallus & Sandbar were having a nice stroll around Ponyville together with (from left to right) Garry, Geena, and Tanzanite. As they walk, they noticed everypony in town were preparing decorations for the holiday.
(BTW, this said user was also an author from FiMFiction. He is notable for his stories about the adventures of the Young Six and his OCs at the School of Friendship. I was his editor, proofreading his original manuscript, changing the vocabulary, and fixing grammar and spelling errors. You can check out his stories at www.fimfiction.net/user/275674…
I'm also planning to do other sketches of his OCs and more in the near future. Better watch out for that. )
Original Credit:
OCs: pixelpallet6