Mane 6 Dragons - QSB - Twilight PASSED!
Wow. You guys sure really wanted to see my little Pinkie dragon become not-so-little! And thanks to that 11th hour push (despite a couple of delays from me, because LIFE...), the tubby pink waifu was able to show that balloon who's boss.... with that FLAB! XD
As a sidenote for those who are not aware: I don't normally draw balloons popping, unless it's with some sense of humor attached to it or when the situation calls. Other than that, don't expect TOO much of that from yours truly. Aside from that, I did a good job overall. No?
ANYWAY, the queen of AWESOME, the colorful flyer and dominator of the skies... Rainbow Dash, is about to be GROUNDED, and only WE can make that happen! Come on, fellas! Let's show her that there's a lot to appreciate being a... ahem... "tubby wubby pony waifu". (references much?)
The next incentive, will require an additional $300 usd to unlock her. The DEADLINE to do that will be Monday evening August 22th!
At the time of this upload, she only needs $101 usd more dollars to get her there!
As such, you can contribute using one of the two below: (be sure to caption with “M6D”)
As another reminder, if the character is NOT unlocked before the week is up, the amount for the next character’s week will cost minus half of the missed week’s amount, and that character will not be featured in the Finale.
REUPLOADED, because like an idiot, I forgot her wings. FML...