Pit: "I've heard a lot about you. I didn't expect things to happen like this, but it did!"
Sora: "Wha--?!"
[Pit runs up, hugs Sora, and starts crying]
Pit: "You came! You ACTUALLY came!"
The second I saw the trailer for Sora's inclusion as the final DLC character of Smash Ultimate, I have wasted no time in making this.
Personally speaking, as Sora is here, there is no other character on the massive Smash Ultimate roster that will serve as a fateful partner--and even best friend--to him than the Angel of Light himself, Pit!
Like how I like most concepts, ideas, and thoughts in the stuff I love, this potential friendship is bound to my heart and mind, and I won't be swayed otherwise.
Credit to yaya54320bases for the base.