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Looks like Twilight is enjoying her new poofy diapers quite a bit. Seems like shes ready to show it off to the girls~
*Also. Hello everyone, long time no see. Must have been years right? Just things got in the way and my whole diaper drawing escapades where put on hold for a while. A LONG while. I was afraid to be ostracized for drawing these kinds of images. Afraid people would jump to conclusions that i was into age play or anything like that. Since i always never wanted to break the one golden rule and draw anything illegal/or art that hurts others. So i was afraid for people to find out and maybe break a friendship because of it. But i had some people reassure me that i should return to this stuff. So hopefully i can gain the confidence again to make them more often. Since drawing other stuff was kinda losing its charm after a long while of working and the life events i had.
But, it feels good to be back~ So hope you guys like what i drop here. At least its whenever i can.
The pandemic happened as well while i was gone so its a nice change of pace. Also hope you all are safe and well during these trying times. So hope i can bring a little joy back.
Ciao~ Crescent*