Sweetie Belle runs up to Scootaloo and Applebloom with a look of glee in her eyes.
"Girls! Girls! Look at what I just bought!" In her hands was a gigantic skyrocket. "Let's set this one off!" She squealed with excitement. Her 2 friends were less uncertain.
"What the hay is that?!" The earth pony eyes the firework with apprehension.
Sweetie giggles. "It's a skyrocket silly!"
"Yeah we know that." Says Scootaloo. "But where did you buy that?"
The unicorn hugs the destructive device. "I bought it from Trixie! Come on girls! Let's see what this thing do!"
"I reckon they'll see that thing go off all the way in Canterlot." Applebloom mutters.
"Heck that thing might reach Canterlot!" Scootaloo exclaimed.
This is another of the drawings I started during my most recent Picarto stream. Of all of the CMC I imagine Sweetie Belle being the pyro of the 3.