They've been called a traitor to the Lunar Empire and they've been called a hero to Equestria. Called a coward and a whistleblower. A renegade and a dissident. Everyone has an opinion on them, but nobody knows their name. "Just T. Truth", as they are known, has by some means been named as responsible for numerous leaks of sensitive government and business information throughout the Lunar Empire. In 1005, Just T. Truth exposed an enormous bribery campaign in which dozens of public officials and business leaders were implicated and later arrested. In 1007, the truth of Operation Visionary was exposed by Just T. Truth, revealing the true scale of the mass dream-spying campaign by the Lunar state. In 1009, the infamous "Anchor Memo" was brought to light by Just T. Truth, which instigated mass unrest and a near total state collapse in the Lunar puppet state of Olenia. These are just a few of Just T. Truth's many efforts, as they continue to be a source of humiliation and difficultly for the Lunar regime and its rulers. Whoever they are, they've covered their tracks well and stayed out of sight, for few have managed to evade the watchful eye of the Night Guard and breathe free.
Conversely, Raven Inkwell used to be Celestia's private secretary. Now she's just some low level civil servant working somewhere in the labyrinthine bureaucracy of the Imperial Lunar government. Her insights into of the workings of the old Celestial state were useful in the construction of the new Lunar regime, but beyond that she is thoroughly unimportant. Like most of Celestia's old supporters and associates, she's given up the Loyalist fight and accepted Nightmare Moon as her new Princess. Nopony would ever give Miss Inkwell a second look, and why would they? It's not like she has anything to hide.