Yona Just Wants A Taste (2 of 2)
"Wow! You tiny tiny humans were good...but...um...Yona better get you all to Twilight before she gets reeeaaallly mad at Yona for eating you all then she'll make Yona listen to her lectures for an hour about being kind to newer visitors. But um...if you ever come back to Equestria Yona's available for the same fun we had." (They nodded in excitement.)
Yona regurgitated them out before they were digested, cleaned the stomach juices off of them and took them to Twilight. She then apologized to them for her fetish desires of breast bouncing, (which they liked) forced feet exploration (which they didn't mind) and vore (...which they still didn't mind) and was also surprised that none of them were very scared and traumatized after literally being eaten alive. They did however keep in mind of the one thing Yona said as they were safely being sent back home about how she was able to swallow down an entire dragon as a huge eater.
An explanation. A large dangerous dragon at a recent point before the humans started mysteriously ending up in Equestria started attacking Ponyville. Twilight and her friends were away at the time and couldn't get their in time to fight it off. Celestia and Luna were also away for political business. Trixie bragged about how she could single-handedly defend Ponyville and was put in charge of watching the town as a test from Twilight, but she ran and screamed upon the first sight of seeing the dragon....useless. Starlight and Discord went elsewhere for business. Not really anyone was able to fight it off and the residents began to flee in fear, but out of nowhere Yona came in very hungry to meet up with the other student 6 members for lunch and saw the giant rampaging beast terrorizing the town. Her stomach growled to the point where the ground shook and the dragon was the first thing she saw so she lunged at it, grabbed it and turned it around to face her mouth then expanded it so wide that it freaked the dragon out. She started swallowing it in huge gulps until it was completely inside of her stomach. Yona's stomach can expand exponentially like a snake's can the bigger the food or prey is inside of her to the point where it feels like an entire world exist in her stomach. She let off a mild belch before carrying it away in her stomach to digest. Yona was the hero that day and well...she already had lunch so she told her friends that she'll hang out with them later after her stomach dealt with the giant reptilian.
I love drawing the really tall, athletic and crazy strong female types like Yona for example that possess very low IQ and are dopey so I wanted to continue drawing this yak, but their unga bunga strength and kindness makes up for their lack of intelligence. More Yona will be drawn as things go.