Though Discord doesn't need food to sustain himself, he was never one to stray away from the casual consumption of the denizens of Equestria. The god taking a perverse enjoyment in such dining domination, which he had been deprived of during his tenure as a petrified statue in the Canterlot royal gardens. The lord of chaos not taking long to return to his old ways, which Celestia found out to her horror after a few surging swallows bolted over her body, leaving her suddenly stowed in the sweltering shroud of a groaning gullet. The peckish predator not playing for keeps this time, as though he would love to leave the packed-away princess as fly food, he thought better of it, as he knew it would upset Fluttershy...
A lemon done for one of my patreons, who wanted a short story to go with this piece done by dendollae ( ). Hopefully Dendo enjoys it, as I have something fun from them next on my to-do list, so they are going to get a double-dip of juicy lemons for their work over the weekend ;)
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A story in the source as always, please don't repost in the comments below :)