Welcome to Part 5 of my Family Ark Story.
Part 1 you find HERE.
Part 2 you find HERE.
Part 3 you find HERE.
Part 4 you find HERE.
Part 5 you find HERE.
7. and actual last Part you find HERE (Link will be added when it is online)It will contain Spoilers, so if you havn't read the Nightmare Night Horror Story, go HERE first and the continue with Part 1.
Short Info, the Story will have some Timejumps.
I would like to post it in real Time, but I not want to let you wait for 5 Years, neither 22.^
At the End of the Story, who are open, because I create it when I prepare the Upload, I will give you an Timeline with all Steps on the actual Storyline.
There are some "Bugs" in the Timeline, I still try to sort out what has happen when.
Nightmare Horror (31. Oct, Nightmare Night) and the Proposal (14.Feb, Hearts and Hoof Day) are real Time, not because I wanted it, just because the Art has need so much Time.This Picture was the first Sketch for the previous Picture.
I still like it, even it is missing my Outfit, Butter Blooms Hair and she has Feet instead of Hoofes.
The Picture look like it is somewhere around 6 Months after BB's Birth, so I will made the Story like it.
At this Time, Butter Bloom's Design was still not set, so the Baby was more a Base where Butterbloom would be added.
I still like this unfinished Sketch and I hope I can some Day ask JRaisins for more Art with my Family.
Greetings fellow Ponys.
It is now some Months since our Daughter has join our Family.
It was first a bit difficult to have a different Home, after all my Cottage near the Everfree Forest was my Home for over 50 Years.
But Mac and AJ have build us a beautyfull Home, next the old Home of the Apple Family.
To made it more easy for me and my Animals, who have move with me.
They have try to create a House who look similar to my old Home, just bigger.
I will show you later some Photos I have made (I'm actual try to build our FiK Sweet Apple Acres in Second Life in a more realistic Style).
The House is surrounded by Trees and Bushes, like it was with my old Home and it has everywhere Entrys and Homes for my Animals.
I guess Mac, AJ and Apple Bloom will now have more as just Winona and the Farm Animals around them.
Since our Daughter has enter this World, Butter Bloom has keep us busy.
Changing Diapers and feed her when she need it, is a fulltime Job, but maybe it is because she is an Alicorn, like her Mom, she not need that much Attention as a normal Foal.
Every 4 Hours she drink her Milk and because we are sleeping together in our Bed, I not need to stand up for it.
My Breast was already a big Size, but now they arerealy oversized, but it is just for some Months, even if Mac like his "Pillows".
This Picture here Mac has made of us.
This soft Pillow is Butter Bloom's Bed in the Night, right in the middle between Mac and myself.
She has her Cradle, but she love it to sleep close to her Parents, what made her feel safe and protected.
Even her Dreams are safe for her, because Luna, who is some sort of Godmother for her, is protecting her Dreams.
It was a Sunday morning and the only Day in the Week where everypony can stay in bed as long they want.
Even the Apple Family has mostly a free Day after the most important Things are done, like feeding the Animals and milking the Cows.
In Ponyville the Sundays are usual for the Familys, where they do a Picknick, go into a Cafe or other Activitys.
If you're wondering, yes I usual sleep naked.
I not like Clothes for the night, because it is bad for my Fur and it feel much better.
Aditional Mac like it to wake me up with a gentle "Good Morning, Babe" Fuck, while Butter Bloom is still sleeping and sometimes I like to retour the Favor with a nice "Wake Up, Stud"-Blowjob.
I fear, If we continue like this, Butter Bloom will get faster a Sibling, as we want.^
Hope you like this Picture of me.
Have a nice Day and I see you at the next Upload ;-)
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