First Release on February 25 2011
So do you remember the diaper pic of the cutie mark crusaders?
Well here's the other part to that picture. However this was the first part that I should have release first.
Here the cutie mark crusaders need to use the bathroom. However they try to hold it in, then they ended up wetting themselves. Fluttershy then comes in and find that a soggy mess on her floors.
She then puts the cutie mark crusaders in diapers.
Funny error on this picture. You may notices that somepony is using magic to see the cutie mark crusaders wet panties. It was supposed to be Fluttershy. However at the last minute I forgot that Fluttershy is a pegasus and not a unicorn.
I was still new to the show and I kinda got my ponies mixed up in the early years.