"Ooh, we should stop here!" Sonata said with hint of gluttonous hope, slowing her hefty waddle to a halt as she pointed towards the restaurant. Lumbering not too far ahead, her other two companions stopped as well.
Aria, however, could only rolled her eyes at the suggestion before scowling back. "We literally just ate like ten minutes ago, you fat tub of lard. In fact, you even bought another bag of tacos on the way out of last restaurant we were at!"
Suddenly, a deep yet loud rumbling caught her attention. It was the sound of Adagio's own hungry belly, clearly starving from the mere mention of food. "Well, I don't know about you two, but we've had nothing but tacos and burritos all day. I need something else to eat."
"Seriously? You too? Have you seen yourselves, lately?" Aria barked angrily. "Look at yourselves! You're as big as blimps! I wouldn't be shock if neither you could even fit through those double-doors!"
"Shut it, wide-load!" Adagio shot back as she pointed a tubby finger at her. "Unless you can stop stuffing that fat flank of yours with cake and ice cream, you have no right to criticize!" Taking a deep breath, she began marching towards the restaurant as Sonata followed close behind. "If you really do have as much self-control as you claim, then by all means, you can wait out here. Otherwise, you know where to find us," Adagio grunted as she pushed the double-doors open.
Watching the two larger ladies walk in with determined hunger, Aria sighed to herself, deciding to follow them inside.
Adagio Dazzle - 510 lbs
Aria Blaze - 270 lbs
Sonata Dusk - 650 lbs
Please note, I cropped out some of the top because I felt there was too much headroom.