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Cinnamon Twist and Her Cakes Part 8
"Cinnamon Twist has achieved a state of absolute gluttony, not a single inch of space is left within her digestive system.
Stomach, intestine, and even her esophagus could not retain a single bite more.""The unicorn forced the last bulges of cake deep into her throat allowing her to breath again, though they refused to settle in her tightly packed stomach, electing to instead pile up at the base of her esophagus.
The horrendously bloated mare then leaned back and pulled away from the great anchor of her gut in an effort to distance her chest and lugs from the crushing pressure.
Cinnamon then let out a roaring, wet belch that pushed liquefied cake out of her mouth that pooled on her cheeks and dripped to the floor.
Only after all of this was she finally able to begin catching her breath, every inhale was a labored gasp and every exhale a ghostly moan part in pain and part in pleasure.The pony's belly gurgled and sloshed and groaned, desperately trying to contain the titanic feast. Her stomach loudly churned and ached in protest of the abuse she had brought against it.
" Sorry tummy, I got a little overambitious. Just keep it all inside me, you can do it, mommy needs you..." Cinnamon thought to herself.
The whole ordeal had been exhausting for her and with one last small burp she began to fall into a gurgling slumber.
" I wonder what I'll have for breakfast in the morning" are her final thoughts.
Part 1: >>2829031
Part 2: >>2829032
Part 3: >>2829034
Part 4: >>2829035
Part 5: >>2829036
Part 6: >>2829037
Part 7: >>2829038
Part 8: >>2829039