A new day dawns upon the rolling hills of the Everfree Region. The early sun shines warmly upon your tent, lighting its inside with a deep orange glow. You wake up after a good night's sleep, snuggled up cozily against Moonflower and Apple Basket.
After some yawning and stretching, you push off the covers to sit up, and greet your friends with the usual hugs and nuzzles.
Moonflower: "Mornin'!"
Apple Basket: "(yawn) Howdy."
Upon meeting the bat pony's brilliant eyes, you are reminded of her newfound oracle magic. While you don't recall having had any notable dreams, you curiously ask the pair if they remember anything special.
Moonflower: "Nuh uh. I think I had a dream about sailin' on a boat."
Apple Basket: "I had one where I was applebuckin', and the orchard jus' kept gettin' bigger and bigger. I reckon it's about to be that time o' year."
You nod, and figure that Moonflower's dream powers might not manifest as predictably as you might have thought. Oh well. Your pocket watch indicates half past six. Time to get rolling!
As you step outside, the crisp morning air greets your coat with a whisper of autumn. Bird songs fill the brightening sky over the soothing rustling of the forest's slowly swaying leaves.
You look around the camp, and find that much has changed while you were asleep. Next to most tents, newly added canopies cast colourful shadows over workbenches and various supplies, from water fountains to parasol racks.
And while you would have expected most of the bat ponies to have retreated into their tents by this time, most of them seem to still be out and about, enjoying their first sunrise.
Judging by the carefree smiles on their faces, you sense that they have adapted quite well to their new situation. With that in mind, you begin to think about how you will be starting your own day.
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