Twilight: this dragon migration is going so smoothly! over two hundred dragons have crossed the mountain border already. The more research I make, the clearer I can say, that dragons are magnificent creatures!
spike crosses his claws and smirks, head up high you can say that again!
twilight smiles and shakes her head. As the princess of friendship and the little dragon walk through some bushes, they see Apple jack, rainbow dash and pinkie pie, all watching the migration. Twilight looks around
Twilight: where's fluttershy?
Pinkie: well, at first, rarity said, that migration is comming, so many visitors would come over to ponywille. And we all know, that that would make biiiig profits for rarity's shop. Therefor, she decided to stay home and prepare the prettiest of her dresses, like the blue one and the rd one and the green one and he one with those cute little yellow... Apple jack stuffs her hoof into pinkie's mouth to shut her up
Rainbow dash: She went to see Rares for a bit, to make sure that she didn't change her mind. She should be back soon snickers unless she gets scared of some dragon! laughs
Twilight: well, then I guess we shall wait
a couple of hours later, Fluttershy is still not back, and it's lunchtime, so everyone heads out to town to grab a meal. On their way to town, they meet with rarity
Rainbow: Hey Rares! Why didn't you come when Shy called you? kept playing with your little dresses?
Rarity I beg your pardon? Those are not any small drsses! those are the most divine pieces of art this town has ever encountered! And anyways, Fluttershy never said anything about joining you. In fact, I haven't seen her all day
twilight: wait, what? but she left for you hours ago
Rarity: that's weird... I never did get any company...
Spike: am I the only one who doesn't like where this is going?
Rainbow: chilax you all. I bet she saw some injured frog or something and got carried away with nursing it. I'll find her, 5 seconds flat!
rainbow flies off, not even considering to listen, to what Twilight might say. As Rainbow flies through the clearing of a forest on her way to fluttershy, something suddenly catches her eye. She flies down
Rainbow: Flutters? Is that you?
walks past a bush, and sees broken winged, bloody, bruised up, tail torn uncontious yellow pegasus