As the purple mare approached the room she shared with her stallion, she couldn’t help but smile softly. It was always like this. She knew Fireheart had a deep dread of needles, but that didn’t change the fact that he still needed to get his shot.
The Queen herself had originally appointed her as the klutzy prince’s personal physician, but the pair had grown much closer over time. She, and only she, was the only one who could ever get close to him with a needle, much less actually administer it.
As she approached the door, the nurse bat carefully readjusted the tray which she held with one wing before slowly opening the door and stepping inside.
“Fire dear? Are you in here?” Came her soft, almost motherly voice.
She knew he was scared, that the thought of that needle terrified him. Glancing around, she spotted a bit of an red and yellow tail poking out from under the bed.
The mare smiled softly, trotting over and setting her tray on the bed before laying down and peering into the darkness under the bed.
“Fire? Can you come out please?”
The nurse offered him a kind smile and reached out with a hoof to stroke his foreleg gently.
Beneath the bed, the orange pegabat trembled for a moment but, after a few moments of encouragement from the mare finally was persuaded to come out.
Lavender Blossom gave him an affectionate nuzzle before turning to her tray to retrieve the syringe.
As he saw the needle, Fires pupils shrank and he took a step back.
“N-Now Lavi, can’t we talk about this?” He stammered.
Lavender again smiled and gave him a loving look.
“Now Fire dear, it’s not that bad. Just a little pinch and you’ll be done. And look I’ve got a mango lollipop for after!”
She flashed a happy smile at her special somepony as she showed off the orange colored candy, a favorite of Fire’s
“I promise, it’ll be ok.” She added, drawing closer and carefully holding the syringe out of sight.
“Now, I need you to do something for me ok love? I need you to take a deep breath, yes just like that, and then let it out nice and slow. There’s my big stallion. Now, count to three for me ok?”
She held his gaze in her own, smiling at him as he counted but not waiting for him to get to three. With blinding speed, the nurse expertly delivered the shot, so quick that Fireheart didn’t even notice until it was already done.
A single tear made its way to his eyes before Lavender quickly distracted him from the pain, giving him his promised treat which he happily accepted. With her work done, Lavender went for a little walk together, the uniformed mare lovingly leaning against her stallion, his lollipop held happily in his mouth.