After a while I got enough constant daylight to make this animation of a pipecleaner sculpture I made of a friend's and fellow role play gamer's oc. Her name is Skyfeather, a pegasus artis with wings and a cutie mark refering to the wing pattern of a jaybird.
It took a while to get the setting for this one right and it took some try and error. Among other an earlier attempt failed because the sculpture was too prone to topple over when just two or three legs were on the ground. A metal plate underneath the "forest floor" (which made this project the most tea consuming I have ever made ;)) and some magnets were helping. Unfortunately I didn't manage to finish the animation without some unwanted shifting of trees on the left side (but attempts to fix it digitally were not improving it), and there are some rough jumps. Because of daylight and the running time of my camera batery taking the pictures was a bit of a race against time so some of the motions are not as smooth as could be; but altogether I am satisfied with how this more complex animation turned out.