So someone left a comment on one of my images saying that I need to "change" my artstyle. It really rubbed me the wrong way. I just got back to making art after taking a small break, and to just have some pompus know-it-all who thinks they know everything about art go "change your artstyle lol" just feels like a big fat middle finger to everything I've worked for. So in response, I made this to showcase how far I have come in my art in over a decade.
The first 4 images were ones I made in high school, and I would usually draw Rainbow Dash because she was the only one I could draw at the time, but I would gradually draw more characters. Plus my digital art has come a long way, as my line work has greatly gotten much better and looks less jagged.so clearly saying I need to "change my style" when I am slowly but surely making progress just sounds like a big dick move. Art is something that takes time to perfect, and if you have your own style that resonates with you, then you build upon it. You can't just "change your style" on the fly like that. Its just stupid.
I feel like I vented plenty. I'm just tired of people pushing me around. Saying stuff like "change your artstyle" and constantly downvoting every image that features my OCs only makes me fall back into a creative slump. I honestly want to know why most of you here dislike my OCs, but that's a discussion for another time...