Originally posted on: June 29, 2021, 10:59 AM UTC
Big winged children
Flash and twilight's three kiddos, here they are >
Starlight Soar *- Strong independent young mare who works as one of Luna's guards, while this is usually for bat ponies as they have the ability to see in the dark (etc), being a night owl Starlight found herself preferring the duties of the night. Has a bad case of envy towards her siblings as she was never able to connect with her mother as much as they could.
*Dawn Sentenial - Dawn is a mess, a 'people' pleaser, a klutz when she gets nervous but she tries her best to be the perfect princess. She compares herself to others constantly, especially due to the fact she's not book smart like her mother or strong as her father, and despite being born an alicorn, her magic was only ever really powerful when she was a foal, she has a lot to live up to. In the end of the day, she just wants to be someone that others look up to.
Comet Beam - Twilight and Flash's late accident ended up in another alicorn foal being born. Comet is a lot like his mother, a huge nerd and bookworm from the day he was born however, he is a lot shyer, much preferring his books and studies over socializing. Family loves to joke about him being a mini twilight.
Starlight Soar designed by phwuffies (won her in a DTA years ago omg)
Dawn designed by GihhBloonde
Comet by me <3