Drawing inspired on role play in Ashes.town. which is a fallout Equestria inspired server. Spitfire, rped by my good friend Zali, ... and Skydive rped by myself. Story is... during the great war Spitfire was badly injured and due to lack of resources and available medical staff, they were unable to treat her at the time. Rainbow Dash put her into a stasis pod above the cloud cover, hoping that after the war was over, Spitfire could be saved. However, it was 200 years before somepony finally found said pod under the rubble in the ruins of Cloudesdale, miraculously protected from the destruction of the mega spell which annihilated the rest of the city. Thus.. Spitfire now lives in the fall out setting in Ashes. Skydive is a present day wonderbolt, one of the elite forces of the Grand Pegasus Enclave. (mentioned in the orginal FOE story, but I took the description of her from Rise from the Ashes) When she meets her hero from the past, the one and only Spitfire, she does a FAN SQUEAL! Please join us on Ashes.town if you want to meet our version of these two characters.