happy new year! and here we are on the final page, yea I know it looks weird but i got to get it done before the end of the year and i have succeeded, so what is going on?
well we finally see those 3 vampires again along with the residents of the building witch are two wolf ponies, two vampires and two ghosts
Dracula and the others explained their stories and of course, they do understand them and see that erik wants to be better, Thomas wants to be a better wolf pony and they get Dracula because well he's a vampire and understands he was born in another time with a different type of family but see he is determined to be the king of vampires.
soon they met the leader which is that old lady there, she is older than Dracula and is the one who started this, they explained about the other leaders of other races and that they could be potential allies, dracula likes the idea and understand that he and his helpers would have to wait but it would give them time to fix themselves and their new house
and so they did, i hope i can make it look better for the next comic but i got to figure out the color and at want state, it would be in by then, erk got a new job in singing at a restaurant with his mask on and people love his singing, thomas got a job in bringing in supplies for the town and dracula (with thomas and erik somewhere in the building with dracula too just not shown in that panel due to the panel size) is getting to know the other vampires
all is well and this happened all in November, there is still a little bit of November left either 2 weeks or 1 week (because i don't want the friendship to take too long and i want chapter 3 to work so this is what i say, twilight made friends while on the task to defeat nightmare moon so why not) i hope you will enjoy chapter 3 and i hope you enjoyed the story
so again happy new year and i will upload the cover page of chapter 3 soon