Fluttershy is with,
Some changelings, counting Thorax,
And Derpy and Snails.
Because of the map,
They chose not to board the ship.
So they dodged a threat.
They soon learned how far it was.
Where they had to go.
They would take a ride,
But the public’s minds altered.
They were seen as foes.
No transportation,
No more foreign ocean liners,
They had but one choice.
They had to go west,
Through the Lunar Republic.
Land northwest, no boat.
No boat meant less safe.
So they had to run, not ride.
Fluttershy was scared.
With a little help,
Thorax convinced her come.
“Let’s do this.” She said.
They passed the border.
At first, it seemed not that bad.
Stares, but no soldiers.
It was dark, with moonlight,
For their night was eternal.
The group knew not how.
Nightmare Moon saw them,
And that's when there was danger.
They now knew their doom.
They ran and moved on.
Moon and some soldiers chased them.
Too late to turn back.
While the group was chased
Three changelings chose to fight.
They were buying time.
Thorax took pity,
But one said, “We’ll hold them off!”
Another said, “Go!”
No time to argue,
They ran off, as beams were heard.
They couldn't turn back.
The noises got soft,
Until loud bone cracks were heard.
They had to ignore.
At last, they made it.
They left the Lunar Republic,
And reached Yurslasya.
The three did not live.
Their losses were mourned and blessed.
They died protecting.
The group looked forward.
There was a sunrise, they saw,
Among a mountain.
They knew their riddle.
“The element was on top.
It's on the high peak.”
It was meaning it,
The highest mountain there was,
Mount Everhigh was.
They had to do it.
Three changelings and three ponies,
They had to hike up.
Snails took a deep breath.
Up the mountain they began.
Fluttershy was scared.
Already tired,
But they had to continue.
To be continued.
Takes place after https://derpibooru.org/images/2761899?sort%5B%5D=5&sort%5B%5D=2761899&sd=asc&sf=gallery_id%3A17908&q=gallery_id%3A17908