"This one can be viewed in a contextless sense, but it's also another case of vent art for me. I don't understand why some (especially on Derpibooru) have against my OCs.
I'm not trying to fish for sympathy or force you to like them or anything, but out of all the images I make, any that feature them tend to either not do well compared to my other ones, or in the case of Derpi, receive way more downvotes than usual. And I have to answer why. Why do people not like them? Is it the way they look? The way I draw them? What exactly?
It kinda deters me from wanting to draw them at all, and that's something you should never feel. I want to draw them, but knowing well that a lot of people don't like them makes me not want to. Its discouraging.
So let me ask you all this. Do you all like my OCs or not. If so, why or why not? I'm genuinely curious..."