This is the eighth and largest nation pony adoptables ever.
Each of the cost 20 points, including the alicorn ones.
You can change the mane and tail design
Don't adopt all of them, leaves some of them for everyone
leave the colors the same
You can change the gender
If you are a hoarder, you are not allow adopt
I will put you on hold, that will last for only a week if points aren't sent
Trade is acceptable
If you ask me to make a nation theme pony, you will not get one.
If you read all these rules, type "I like pie" in your comments
1) OPEN (Cape Verde theme)
2) OPEN (Ethiopia theme)
3) OPEN (Kiribati theme)
4) OPEN (United States theme)
5) SOLD TO :iconjuliathepony:Juliathepony (Sweden theme)
6) OPEN (Norway theme)
7) SOLD TO :iconawkward-lllusl0n:Awkward-lLLUSl0N (United Kingdom)
8) OPEN (Denmark theme)
9) OPEN (Luxembourg theme)
10) OPEN (Canary Islands theme)
11) OPEN (Antigua and Barbuda theme)
12) OPEN (Western Sahara theme)
13) SOLD TO :iconsoultaker100:Soultaker100 (Iceland theme)
14) OPEN (Seychelles theme)
15) OPEN (Mozambique theme)
16) ON HOLD for :iconsnowflake-storm:SnowFlake-Storm (Czech Republic theme)