Greetings fellow Ponys.
This Picture is one of two Artworks Fish-Bowl has made for me and this two are a Part of a 52 Cards Deck.
The Artist has raffled the Chance of one of just 10 real Decks Prints and I had the Luck to win one of them.
I have help the Artist to find a good Company to get them Printed, so they should be in a good Quality.
I not know when I will get it, but I let you know and give you a Look on the Cards when they arive.
My favorite Card for her was Queen of Hearts, but this was already taken.
So i'm now the 7 of Hearts, who fit too because I'm Member of the Harmony 7.^
I was thinking, where could this be?
Usual I not wear such a tight Dress, it let me look old (yes I know, I'm old).
Usual I like to be in light Clothes, like the great Lingery of Fleurs Secret (Equestria Girls Version of Victorias Secret) or I wear nothing at all (it is usual the last one).
Maybe I'm modeling Clothes again or I'm a Model for an Art Class.
I think I leave this to your imagination. ;-)
I have get a small Preview of the Card, you can see it HERE (I have no bigger Version of it).
The other Card with Nightmare Chaser you find HERE
Hope you like this Picture of me.
Have a nice Day and I see you at the next Upload ;-)
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