The first 'two sides' pony poster is published on DeviantArt today 10 years ago.
Life is a party; so full of smiles.
But what happens when the party is over?
All those fun and games, down the drain.
Enjoy life while you can.
Remember to always smile.
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First deviation on this new account! I was inspired to do this "Two Sides" series by *Blue-Ten's own ATLA Two Sides series.
I don't know where the words came from. It just popped into my head, you know? :iconpinkiegonecrazyplz: cupcakes reference imminent
Art (c) *TehJadeh
MLP:FiM, Pinkie Pie (c) Hasbro, :iconfyre-flye:*fyre-flyePlease ask me for permission before submitting this to other sites or using it in your own work! And don't forget to link back here! Do NOT trace over.
Two Sides:
Rainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle
RarityDerpy Hooves
Princess Luna
Vinyl Scratch
Princess Celestia