"What better way to wrap up Novoember and get into the holiday season than have Novo in a Santa outfit. Look out, here comes Santa Birdie!
And with that, Novoember 2021 is officially done. It was a record breaking one this year, with a grand total of 30 images made! Plus some additional ones I did on Derpibooru. That's the most I have ever posted. I surpassed both last year's Novoember and Fleurbuary (which had 28 images made if I recall). I don't think I'll be able to hit this milestone, let alone surpass it but all in all, this was a very good Novoember. I'll still be drawing my favorite Queen FishBirbPone Mom, but probably not on the same frequency as this month. Expect a few Christmas-themed images in December.
And I certainly can't wait to do Novoember all over again come next year!"