What should have been a fun easy week ended up being double the work, but that's because I simply couldn't decide...
And because of emergency OT (That didn't amount to much...[Well, except for 10 hours of time and a half....])
I digress.
12 drawings of ponies in different costumes!
Thanks to dalegibson1978, for "Rarity as Cruella". Inspired by both the animated and the live action, Cruella.
Thanks to drcool13, for "Fluttershy as a Dryad".
Thanks to acewissle, for "Sunset Shimmer as a Monkey". The human version inspired a bit by an old SNES came, Congo's Capers and Ayla from Chrono Trigger.
Thanks to inkscaled, for "Twilight Sparkle as an Elder Brain". Perhaps more Cthulhu than Elder Brain, but I like both.
Thanks to flutterbunny76,for "Princess Luna as Sailor Moon". Might have been an "easy one" but I liked drawing both of these.
Thanks to autinbrony, for "Shining Armor as Cadence". Shining looks good with curly hair.
Thanks to everyone for waiting patiently for this set!