Originally posted on: August 9, 2021, 1:12 AM UTC
MLP Next Gen: Crabapple Jelly
Name: Crabapple Jelly
Nicknames: Crabby, Jelly
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Earth Pony
Occupation: Employee of Cherry Hill Ranch (Formerly), Business Maker and Seller of Crabapple Jellies
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Special Talent: Making and selling her special Crabapple jelly products
Place of Birth: Dodge Junction
Residence: Appleloosa
Relatives: Braeburn (Father), Cherry Jubilee (Mother), Applejack (Aunt), Big Macintosh (Uncle), Applebloom (Aunt), Hosui Pear (Cousin), Big HoneyCrisp (Cousin), Paula Red (Cousin), Apple Truffle (Cousin), Granny Smith (Grandmother), Bright Mac (Grandfather, Deceased), Pear butter (Grandmother, Deceased)
Personality: Manage, Resolve, Hard-Working, Resolute, Tough, Irritable, Commutative, Self-Oriented
Friends: Firework Shooter, Gingerbread Tea, Candy Pop, Buttercream Icing Cupcake
Crabapple Jelly belongs to me.
MLP Belongs to Hasbro.
Base by: michi-bases.
Link here: MLP BASE 23