The foals are spending some quality time with their mommies.
From top left to bottom right:
Symphony is practicing his cello homework that his teacher Octavia gave him. Rarity is in the room too listening to the music and help him when he needs it. Symphony smiles at his mother and tell her that she’s the best mother in equestria.
A special day for Apple Fang. His first apple harvest. Applejack is there to teach her son how to do it. She puts baskests on her back and kick a tree to make some apples fall down. Apple Fang gives a try and two apples fall down. His mommy smiles proudly at him.
It’s also a special day for Wind Flash. Her first try. She knows that she has the best flyer in equestria as mother but she’s still nervous and afraid. She flaps her wings a little but she suddenly stops. Rainbow Dash walks to her daughter and tell that It’s not so scary as it seems. She can do it. Wind Flash is still afraid a little. Dashie got an idea. She grab her daughters tail by her mouth to let her know that if Windy loses the controll she will never fall.
Twilight is with her son Prince at the library. Even though they have hundreds of books in the castle they love to visit the library anyway. Prince loves to borrow chemistry books and goodnight stories. Sometimes they even go there to help the staff organizing the books and help the costumers if they need it.
Pinkie Pie is having a baking day with her twin daughters. Sweet Berries is mixing the cake batter and Partycake is watching her. Pinkie takes out some cookies from the oven. A lot of cookies needs to be done for a party. The little girls is enjoying a lot when they get to bake with their mom. It’s one of their favourite things to do.
Fluttershy and her son Kingston is having guests. Uncle Zephyr Breeze and cousin Medita. It knocks on the door and Fluttershy open it. Medita jumps up and down with a smile as she says hi to her aunt. Fluttershy giggles. Medita walks in and see her cousin. She says hello to him but the little boy looks away blushing nervously. He hides under his mother. Fluttershy smiles down at her son and Zephyr Breeze walks in.
Celestia is at the garden with her daughter Blossom. She knows that the garden is her daughters favourite place in Canterlot. She lies down on the grass and watch her daughter run around enjoying the green grass and colorful flowers. After a while Blossom runs to her foster mom with a suprise. Celestia asks what it is and Blossom use her magic to put a flower wreath she made on her head. The princess smiles a lot at the beautiful gift.
Phantom is at his room crying on his bed. The princess of the night walks in and ask what is wrong. At first the prince doesn’t want to talk about it but Luna tells him that he can tell her everything. Then Phantom tells him that he gets bullied and picked on at school because of his parents dark pasts and he will be the same. Luna frowned by it but the she lift his chin. The little prince looks at his mom with tears in his eyes. Luna gets on the bed and lies down next him. She tells him that he doesn’t need to be afraid. She will make sure that no matter what happens her son will never turn evil and even if he does he will always be her son and love him more than anything else.
Applebloom and her daughter Ballerina is having a picnic by the lake. They have some delicious sandwiches, apple pie and lemonade. Ballerina also shows some dance moves that she learned from her ballet class. Applebloom smiles a lot at her daughter and clap her hooves.
Rocko is outside flying with his mom Scootaloo. They play chase and Rocko tells that his mommy can’t catch him. The older pony laughs and flies after him.
Little Melody has been outside a lot playing with her friends. Sweetie Belle call for her daughter and she runs to her mother. When they’re inside at home Melody lies down on the couch and yawns. Sweetie Belle lies there too with her and hold her close. Melody close her eyes and fall asleep in her mother’s arms. The white pony smiles at her daughter and sing a calm song to her.
At the crystal empire another little prince is having fun. Knight Shield is outside at the stadium with his mother playing rescue. Cadence is pretending to be in danger so her son can save her from the scary monster who wants to kidnapp the princess from her handsome prince.
I hope you like it ^
Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Celestia, Luna, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Cadence is from hasbro.
The foals are by me.